No pain..No gain

No pain..No gain

Your pain will save your soul.
I know you say
" Are you crazy?!, How pain can save my soul?."

Alright I'll tell you
It's not about craziness at all, because I was in your shoes one-day.
I was upset, weak, angry and asking why?
Why me? Why this pain?
I was so weak.
You have no idea!
I wished to die several times.

But there will always be a moment where there's no turning back.
In this moment, you got to ask yourself:
Whitout this pain, would I get the strength I got right now?
Would I know my weaknesses?
And several questions that crossed my mind.

I know it left you in scars
Scars in your soul and in your heart.

But you will always get a time.
Time to take a step back and think.
Time to heal your soul.
Time to know your worth.
Time to move on, let go and walk away from the people that left you in deep pain.

We all got weak moments and different levels of pain, there's no doubt about that.
But we all also have time.
Be wise and use your time to cheer and lift yourself up.

" Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you."
- Unknown

" Pain makes me grow. Growing is what I want. Therefore, for me pain is pleasure."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger


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