Surrender to the unknown
What's the use of wasting your now moment, thinking about the past or feeling fear of the future?!
You didn't realize that you're wasting your present moment.
The only real time you need to focus on is NOW.
Present means gift, it's gift from God.
Your present means enjoying your time with whatever you face and how will deal with it!.
" Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. "
- From book ( the power of now )
Don't miss this opportunity of enjoying your right now moment, just feel it.
90% of the successful people that I learned from was talking about the importance of being here in the present moment.
Deal with it because it's all what you have.
Deal with it because you can't change the past.
Deal with it because the future won't be 100% as you planned.
Deal with it because you got to trust God for whatever he'll call you for.
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