If you don't belong, don't be long

If you don't belong, don't be long.

Don't stay, just leave.
You think you doing your very best, but my dear it's a hopeless case and useless relationship.

You may get into a relationship, just to feel you're worthy and loved but deep down it's because you don't feel secure 100%.

We all want to be loved but not to be hurt!!
Love can hurt.
But true love means understanding, crying sometimes, caring and a lot of beautiful feelings better than hurt only.

I know that there LL always be a fight between heart and mind but deep down you'll always find the truth.
Hold it, stick to it, listen to it.
Don't you walk away cuz you don't like it.

Truth always hurt the one who loved the most.
Believe me sooner or later, you'll be ok and everything is going to be ok.

Believe me, I struggled before from this kind of sick relationship, so my words to you are from the heart not just stuff I read about.

Love is beautiful, you just need to get it right.


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